Thursday, June 25, 2020

Ed and the Color T.V.

Ed was dead set on buying a color television
his wife didn't share his enthusiasm.

Seven hundred dollars? Marlene thought,  
There's no way we can do this.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" the salesman babbled, "Ed, was it?  Yes, well, Ed; this model also features a deluxe record player, a high fidelity stereo tuner and two top-quality speakers. And just look at this handsome, walnut cabinet; it's truly a fine piece of furniture.  I'm sure the Misses would be proud to have this in her living room," he proclaimed as he grinned at Marlene.

"What do think, honey?" Ed asked.

"Well, it certainly is a beautiful cabinet, like the man said."

Just as she finished her sentence, the salesman chimed in, 
"See there, your wife thinks it's perfect, and we all know -
if wifey's happy - everyone's happy!"

Ignoring the cloying salesman, Marlene gave her 
husband that worried look that he knew all too well.

Ed turned to the salesman, "Could you please give us a minute?"

"Of course. You two talk it over; look around.  
I'll be right here if you have any questions."

Ed took Marlene by the arm and walked her over to the 
far side of the showroom.

"Honey, you seem distracted; is everything o.k.?"

She reached up and brushed a piece of lint off his suit jacket. 
"Not distracted, dear; concerned."

"Concerned?  About what?"

"About what?" she whispered emphatically, "I'm concerned 
about the $700 dollars they want for that television!"

"But, dear; it's not just a television, it's 
also a stereo and a record player."

She sighed deeply, knowing that there was little use in arguing.  "But, darling, that's almost a month's pay. We've got lots of other better uses for that money.  Remember, we need a playpen now 
that Joey's walking and Christmas is just around the corner. 
The black & white set we have works just fine."

"First of all, it's not a month's pay; with this new promotion
I'm making $750 a month.  Besides, this sales guy says
we can buy it on time."

"On time? Are you forgetting that we're already paying the washing machine on time?  Our mortgage is $95 a month and the car note is $35. I'm concerned that there could be some surprise expenses in the future - you just don't know.  I'm sorry, dear; I just think it's a bad idea to buy this television - at least right now."

"Oh, honey, we've got plenty of money.  Listen, just picture us sitting in front of that beautiful set, eating our dinner on those t.v. trays your Aunt Eunice gave us as a wedding gift.  Just sitting there together, with our t.v. trays, eating our dinner and watching Gunsmoke, 
or that doctor show you like ... what's the one, you know, 
with that handsome guy you're so crazy about - what's it called?"

"Dr. Kildare?"

"Yeah, yeah; Dr. Kildare.  Can't you just imagine it?  Sitting in the living room, eating dinner and watching Dr. Kildare."

"Honey, both those shows are in black & white;
a color t.v. wouldn't matter."

"Well, maybe, but not for long. I was reading in the T.V. Guide last week that all the networks are saying that they plan to switch the majority of their programming to color by the end of 1964.  That's only a year from now and my guess is; the cost of color sets will skyrocket once that happens.  See, we're gonna beat the rush and save a bunch of money if we buy now."

Suddenly Marlene exhaled deeply as she put her hand over her mouth and turned away.

"Honey, what's wrong?  Are you alright?"

She held up her hand to indicate that she 
needed a moment as she nodded, yes.

Concerned, Ed put his arm around her,

"Honey, is your stomach still bothering you?"

Once again she nodded, yes.

"This has been going on for a couple of days now. 
Maybe you should see the doctor."

Marlene took a couple of deep breaths and composed herself.

Turning to face her husband she announced, "I did see the doctor."

"What? When?"

"This morning. I came straight here
from Dr. Stevens' office."

"Honey, you didn't tell me you were going to the doctor. 
What did he say the problem was?"

"Well, it's not really a problem, I hope.
He told me that I'm expecting."

"Expecting??  You mean like pregnant?"

"Yes, very much like pregnant."

Ed stood in complete shock; staring at her with his mouth agape.

He wouldn't get his color t.v. for another six years.